Sunset Boulevard seems right ahead, but it is only appearance, as vitality flows back. All to be discovered, with a range of scents so evolved, yet never pushed to exasperation. Thus, what is vegetable becomes wooden, what is toasted becomes smoky, and what is ethereal becomes sulphurous. Intense mineral tones appear, amino acids become evident, and tyrosine rules.
So rich and varied is the multitude of scents, that one should take notes.
A dinner with friends, a romantic date, or just down memory lane …
The canonical doctrine of pairing wants it to be “in contention”. Therefore, we suggest contrasting the strength of this treasure of gastronomy with the softness of wine or distilled spirit.
Among those, there can be an excellent Marsala Solera Reserve, an outstanding Porto Tawny, or dark Rhum. Ladies may prefer Pantelleria raisin wine or Muffato from Orvieto.