The Caseificio San Bernardino dairy is a family-run company located on the hills surrounding Parma, heir to the historical production site of one of the most renowned treasures of the Food Valley: Parmigiano Reggiano P.D.O.
A tradition still carried on today with great pride: for four generations the Caramaschi family has been handing down day after day the expertise and passion for the art of cheese making, made of just few essential gestures, but also of great love for the product and its age-old tradition.
Today as in the past, the Caseificio San Bernardino dairy scrupulously follows the old procedure to produce a prestigious product of unique taste, in a fully equipped modern facility where all production phases can be kept under careful control.
The Caseificio San Bernardino dairy complies with three specific key requirements in producing Parmigiano Reggiano:
By combining experience, knowledge of cheese making and maturation processes and control on the entire supply chain, every wheel is produced to offer exceptional taste and superior quality, guaranteed 100% natural.
Thanks to this strict approach the Caseificio San Bernardino dairy has been recognized by the Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium, among the official producers, a guarantee of the quality of its highest level of production standards.
Today the Caseificio San Bernardino dairy produces in average 15,000 wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese per year, and looks after the entire supply chain in its own farm: the dairy breeds the cows in the fields of the area historically dedicated to the production of the Parmesan, produces in-house all the milk intended for processing, stores the cheese for months in the maturation rooms and also packages the various size packs in the packaging area.